Wear your decorations proudly and properly.
Cadets here is a list of ribbons you can earn, look through and find the ribbons you have qualifies for. When you find all your projected ribbons, bring the list and the reasons you believe you should be awarded the ribbons to your Flight Commander.
Ribbon Rack Builder
This helpful tool constructs your ribbon rack for you online so you'll always have your ribbons in the proper order. Just select the ribbons you own and click build on the right.
Ribbon Qualification
1. Air Force JROTC Gold Valor Award (All Cadets)- Voluntary act of bravery and self-sacrifice involving conspicuous risk of life beyond the call of duty. Awarded by HQ AFJROTC.
2. Air Force JROTC Silver Valor Award (All Cadets)- Voluntary act of heroism that does not involve risk of life. Awarded by HQ AFJROTC.
3. Cadet Humanitarian Award (All Cadets)- Humanitarian act above and beyond the call of duty. Not to be used to recognize community service. Awarded by HQ AFJROTC.
4. Silver Star Community Service With Excellence Award (Unit)- Award consists of a ribbon with Silver Star device and certificate. The Silver Star Community Service with Excellence Award will be an honor that emphasizes the value of community service and establishes a greater sense of pride within the corps.
5. Community Service With Excellence Award (All Cadets)- Awarded recognizes those individual cadets who provide significant leadership in the planning, organizing, directing, and executing of a major unit community service project that greatly benefits the local community.
6. Air Force Association Award (AS-III)- Excel in a position of responsibility. Exhibit a positive attitude; exemplary personal appearance, personal attributes, and courtesy; and show growth potential. Be an outstanding cadet and in the upper 5% of AS-III. Be in upper 10% of a high school class. Be recommended by the SASI for the Outstanding Cadet Ribbon.
7. Daedalian Award (All Cadets)- Be patriotic and want to serve our country. Show leadership potential and a desire to serve in the military. Be in the upper 10% of AS-III. Be in upper 20% of a high school class.
8. American Legion Scholastic Award (AS-III or IV)- Be in upper 10% of a high school class. Be in upper 25% of AS-III or IV. Demonstrate leadership qualities and participate in student activities.
9. American Legion General Military Excellence Award (AS-III or IV)- Be in the Upper 25% AS-III or IV. Demonstrate outstanding leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship.
10. Daughters of the American Revolution Award (AS-IV)- Be in the upper 25% AS-IV and high school class. Be dependable with good character, disciplined, a strong leader, and committed to the patriotic understanding of the importance of AFJROTC training.
11. American Veterans Award (AS-I, II, III, or IV)- Possess a positive attitude, outstanding personal appearance and personal character, and officer potential. A grade of "A" in AFJROTC and academics in good standing in all classes at the time of selection and presentation.
12. Reserve Officers Association Award (ROA) (AS-IV)- Have a positive attitude, outstanding personal appearance, character, courtesy, growth potential, and strong ethics. Upper 10% of AS-IV.
13. Military Order of World Wars Award (AS-I, II, III)- Excel in all academics and military training. Actively Participate in AFJROTC extracurricular activities. Want to continue in AFJROTC.
14. Military Officers Association Award (AS-III)- Be a Junior academically in good standing. Exhibit high morals and loyalty to the unit, school, and country. Demonstrate exceptional military leadership potential.
15. Veterans of Foreign Wars Award (AS-III or IV)- Show a positive attitude towards AFJROTC. Have outstanding military bearing and conduct. Have a strong positive character. Be patriotic with leadership potential. Have "B" in AFJROTC and "C" in all other classes. Be active in student activities. Not have previously received this award.
16. National Sojourners Award (AS-II or III)- Be in upper 25% of a high school class. Encourage and demonstrate ideals of Americanism. Demonstrate potential for outstanding leadership. Not received previously.
17. Sons of the American Revolution Award (AS-III)- Show a high degree of leadership potential, military bearing, and excellence in AFJROTC. Top 10% of AS-III. Top 25% of a high school class. Not previously received.
18. Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction (AS-III)- High degree of leadership, military bearing, self-discipline, good character, and all-around excellence. Top 25% of a high school class. Not previously received.
19. Military Order of the Purple Heart Award (AS-III or IV)- Show positive attitude towards country and AFJROTC. Outstanding performer in a corps leadership position. Be active in the school and community affairs. Have at least a "B" average in all subjects. Not previously received.
20. Air Force Sergeants Association (AS-III or IV)- Be in Top 25% of AS-III or IV. Show outstanding military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship. Not previously received.
21. Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Award (AS I, I, II, or IV)- This award recognizes one deserving cadet annually (may be first, second, third, or fourth-year cadet). The recipient must display a high degree of patriotism and have demonstrated a high degree of academic excellence and leadership ability.
22. Sons of Confederate Veterans H. L. Hunley Award (AS-II)- This award should go to a rising second-year cadet who has demonstrated the qualities of Honor, Courage and in particular Commitment to his/her unit throughout the school year.
23. Tuskegee Airmen Incorporated Award (AS-I, II, III)- 2 cadets Attain a grade of "B" or better in AFJROTC. Be in academic good standing. Actively participate in cadet corps activities. Participate in at least 50% of all unite service projects.
24. The Retired Enlisted Association Award (One Cadet)- Awarded annually, at the SASI’s discretion, for exceptional leadership to the most outstanding AFJROTC cadet while serving in an Enlisted Rank.
25. The Celebrate Freedom Foundation (AS-I or II)- Awarded annually, at the SASI’s discretion, for outstanding performance in academics and cadets corps activities as a first or second-year JROTC cadet.
26. National Society United States Daughters of 1812 (One Cadet)- Awarded annually, at the SASI’s discretion, for academic excellence, leadership, military discipline, dependability, patriotism and upright character in speech and habits.
27. Air Commando Association (ACA) Award (All Cadets)- Awarded annually at the SASI’s discretion for completing a one page essay based on historical AF Special Operations Mission possessing the thirteen critical attributes of success; integrity, self-motivation, intelligence, self-discipline, perseverance, adaptability, maturity, judgement, selflessness, leadership, skilled, physical fitness and family strength.
28. Non-FundedNational Award (Unit)- (i.e., NCOA, National Society, Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, etc.). An organization must be submitted to and approved by HQ AFJROTC: award criteria must be published in Cadet Guide or Unit Operating Instruction.
29. Distinguished Unit Award with Merit (DUAM) (Unit)- Awarded to cadets enrolled during the same academic year in which 1) the unit receives an HQ AFJROTC evaluation with an overall rating of Exceeds Standards and 2) the unit is selected by HQ AFJROTC to receive the DUA. Both criteria must occur during the same academic year. The unit will receive a congratulatory letter and a certificate of recognition which will be posted in WINGS
30. Distinguished Unit Award (Unit)- The Distinguished Unit Award indicates unit ranked in the top 20% of the AFJROTC units worldwide.
31. Outstanding Organization Award (Unit)- Awarded to cadets enrolled during the academic year when a unit is selected by HQ AFJROTC to receive the OOA.
32. Outstanding Flight Award (All Cadets)- Member in good standing of the outstanding flight during the semester and a grade of "C" (77%) or above.
33. Top Performer Award (2% of Cadets)- SASI nominates to Area Administrator prior to Staff Assistance Visit (SAV). Leadership and job performance in primary duty and specifically in preparation for the SAV. Leadership qualities: involvement and positions held in extracurricular activities. Academic performance: nominee must be in good academic standing in all high school course work. Significant self-improvement. Community involvement. Other accomplishments.
34. Outstanding Cadet Award (One Cadet each AS-I, II, III, IV)- Show high morals and outstanding military potential. Demonstrate positive personal character. Attain academic and military excellence. Awarded once per school year.
35. Leadership Ribbon (5% of Cadets)- Assigned to and excel in a leadership position. Exhibit outstanding performance. Awarded once per school year and to COLS Cadre.
36. Achievement Ribbon (5% of Cadets)- Accomplish significant documented achievement (community/school service, ROTC scholarship, Academy appointment, contest winner, athletic achievement, Valedictorian/Salutatorian, etc.), first place in AFJROTC fundraising. Awarded once per school year.
37. Superior Performance Ribbon (10% of Cadets)- Awarded for having a minimum of 20 Merits at the end of each Semester.
38. Academic Ribbon (All Cadets)- Achieve overall "B" grade point average with "A" in AFJROTC for the quarter enrolled. May be earned each quarter by active cadets.
39. Leadership School Ribbon (All Cadets)- Leadership Schools (COLS) graduate. Awarded only once. Add "H" device for completion of Air Force Honors Camp. Add Silver Star for outstanding performance at COLS, limited to 10% of COLS class.
40. Special Teams Placement Ribbon (All Cadets)- Place in Air Force or Joint drill meet.
41. Orienteering Competition Ribbon (all cadets)- Awarded to team members for "placing" in an orienteering meet.
42. Cocurricular Activities Leadership Ribbon (All Cadets)- Demonstrate exceptional leadership as COLS cadre or project officer for AFJROTC curricular activity (cadet ball, newspaper editor, drill team commander, color guard team, orientation program coordinator, etc.). Awarded once per school year.
43. Drill Team Ribbon (All Cadets)- Participate in at least 75% of all scheduled drill team practices and events.
44. Color Guard Ribbon (All Cadets)- Participate in at least 75% of all scheduled practices and at least three (3) [five (5) for shoulder cord] scheduled color guard events.
45. Sabre Team Ribbon (All Cadets)- Awarded for distinguished participation in at least 75% of all scheduled sabre team events
46. Marksman Ribbon (SPHS does not have a marksmanship team)- At the SASI’s discretion, this ribbon is awarded to a cadet who has completed the 6 hours of marksmanship safety and range training, passed the marksmanship test with a 100% and who is actively involved with the marksmanship program (shooting on a regular basis) during one school semester.
47. Good Conduct Ribbon (All Cadets) No adverse discipline reports or suspensions.
48. Community Service Ribbon (All Cadets)- Distinctive performance in a minimum of Two community, or AFJROTC service projects each school year. Includes AFJROTC fundraising and parades. Awarded once per school year.
49. Health and Wellness Ribbon (All Cadets)- Successfully pass the physical fitness test. Awarded once per school year and for Leadership School. Bronze Star device; 85-95 percentile they will receive a Silver Star device; and 96-100 percent they will receive a Gold Star device. Duplicate awards of the Bronze, Silver or Gold percentile will be denoted by the addition of another star on the ribbon.
50. Recruiting Ribbon (All Cadets)- Enroll at least two quality cadets or serve as a member of a Cadet Recruiting team at middle school, high school, or another forum. Recruit an additional cadet to earn a cluster. Awarded once per school year.
51. Activities Ribbon (All Cadets)- For putting the flags up or down for a total of 5 times, or participation in Freshman Camp (as an AS-1).
52. Attendance Ribbon (All Cadets)- No more than four absences in a semester while actively enrolled in AFJROTC.
53. Dress and Appearance Ribbon (All Cadets)- Wear uniform on all designated uniform days, conform with all AFJROTC dress and appearance standards, and 90% uniform grade average for the semester.
54. Longevity Ribbon (All Cadets) Successfully complete AFJROTC course requirements.
55. Bataan Death March Memorial Hike Ribbon (All Cadets)- To honor and remember the sacrifices of the victims and survivors of World War II’s Bataan Death March, AFJROTC units may conduct an optional 14-mile Bataan Death March Memorial Hike. This event must be accomplished on a locally-determined 14-mile course (trails, road courses, tracks, etc). Units may complete the full hike in a span of one to no more than three days. Cadet safety must be monitored at all times and advanced planning for any first aid/medical attention is paramount. Cadets who fully complete the 14-mile hike are authorized to wear the ribbon.
56. Patriotic Flag Ribbon (All Cadets)- May be awarded for participation in non-color guard events specifically designed to honor our nation’s flag. Such events include flag raising ceremonies, flag retirement ceremonies, flag folding ceremonies, and historical flag demonstrations. SASIs may award this ribbon based on local criteria which must be clearly published in the unit’s Cadet Guide or Unit Operating Instruction.
57. General Carl Spaatz Award (CAP Cadets)- May be awarded to cadets who "successfully complete all phases of the CAP cadet program and the General Carl A. Spaatz Award examination."
58. General Ira C. Eaker Award (CAP Cadets)- Denotes successful completion of all sixteen achievements and four phases of the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program. CAP's newest award recognizes cadet completion of the academic, leadership, moral leadership and physical fitness curriculum in existence since 1964.
59. Amelia Earhart Award (CAP Cadets)- Earned after completing the first eleven achievements of the cadet program and receipt of the General Billy Mitchell Award. In addition, the cadet must pass an arduous 100 question examination testing aerospace topics, leadership theory, and staff topics.
60. General Billy Mitchell Award (CAP Cadets)- Cadets must pass a series of leadership, aerospace and physical fitness tests and attend moral leadership training for each achievement from Cadet Airman Basic through Cadet Chief Master Sergeant. In addition, cadets must attend a military-style encampment before this award is made. 15% of Civil Air Patrol cadets achieve the Mitchell Award.
61. General J. F. Curry Achievement Award (CAP Cadets)- Successful completion of Achievement 1 of CAP cadet program.
1. Pilot Certificate Badge- Awarded to any cadet who possesses a valid FAA pilot’s certificate for either powered or unpowered aircraft.
2. Flight Solo Badge- Awarded to any cadet who has a solo flight endorsement by a certified flight instructor for either powered or unpowered aircraft.
3. Ground School Badge- Awarded for participation in the honors ground school curriculum option.
4. Awareness Presentation Team Badge- Awarded for participation in an awareness presentation team. Cadet must participate in at least three team presentations.
5. Kitty Hawk Air Society Badge- Awarded to cadets in the Kitty Hawk program.
6. Distinguished Air Force JROTC Cadet Badge- Awarded to a cadet who has a distinguished
7. Model Rocketry Badge (SPHS does not have a Rocketry club)- Awarded for participation in the model rocketry club






